June 2015: Consultation Update

Far-reaching changes are taking place in the heritage sector throughout the United Kingdom. The newly-created Historic England is forging its plans for the future; the sector in Scotland is seeking to build upon the vision in its Historic Environment Strategy with a specific Archaeology Strategy; Welsh Government is considering new heritage legislation with the introduction to the Welsh Assembly of the Historic Environment (Wales) Bill and Northern Ireland is getting to grips with the devolution of planning powers from central to local government.

The Institute is very much involved in these processes. In the last 6 weeks CIfA has responded to consultations including its continuing contribution to the formulation of Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy; its input to Historic England’s proposals on Enhanced Advisory Services and the provision of evidence on the Historic Environment (Wales) Bill to the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee of the Welsh Assembly (this evidence will appear on the website when made public by the Committee).

CIfA has also submitted responses to HMRC’s consultation on the Reform of the Landfill Communities Fund; Welsh Government’s consultation on Proposed Changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations and Local Development Orders and Historic England’s consultation on guidance on Preservation in situ, condition assessment and monitoring.

Please see our Consultations page to see the other submitted responses for 2015.