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GLAAS is part of Historic England’s London and South East Office. We have maintained the Greater London Historic Environment Record (GLHER) and provided local government archaeological advisory advice since 1991. Using the GLHER, GLAAS provides expert archaeological advice to the Greater London Authority, local authorities (except Southwark), developers, owners of sites and the wider public. GLAAS supports local planning authorities at every stage of the planning process by offering advice on:archaeological interest and the plan-making process,assessing and managing the significance of undesignated heritage assets of archaeological interest in decision-making,defining and securing appropriate and proportionate requirements for archaeological mitigation (including archaeological investigations), and how to advance understanding of London’s archaeological heritage and make this knowledge publicly accessible.We encourage communities to consider their local heritage in neighborhood planning and can also offer advice to landowners, community groups and individuals on the conservation, management and interpretation of archaeological remains outside of the planning system. We do not provide commercial consultancy or fieldwork services nor do we operate outside Greater London.