BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Active bystander training DESCRIPTION:\n \n Active bystander training  \n \n Diversity of thought and an inclusive culture is central to achieving CIfA’s vision that archaeology is seen as an attractive\, rewarding and worthwhile caree r. Through its Equality\, Diversity and Inclusion committee CIfA is committed to delivering EDI trai ning which is relevant to this.\n \n  \n \n Diver sity of thought and an inclusive culture is centra l to achieving CIfA’s vision that archaeology is seen as an attractive\, rewarding and worthwhile career. Through its Equality\, Diversity and Inclu sion committee CIfA is committed to delivering EDI training which is relevant to this.\n \n Our late st course will be active bystander training\, run by The Active Bystander Training Company.\n \n The Qualitative inequalities research for the archaeo logy sector project report from 2023 found that respondents report that discriminatory attitudes and unconscious bias are common in some workplaces . These behaviours often go unchallenged by manage rs ‐ or are carried out by managers themselves ’ and this has a negative impact on career progr ession.\n \n Challenging unacceptable workplace be haviour can be a challenge in itself – the abili ty to intervene with techniques which are right fo r you are not always immediately obvious. ‘Activ e bystander’ is an innovative and award-winning training session which will support you or your st aff to develop skills to challenge unacceptable be haviours\, including those which may have become n ormalised over time.\n \n  \n \n The Course\n \n This 90-minute online CPD workshop is for archaeol ogists of all grades and career levels\, who wish to develop techniques to respond to unacceptable w orkplace behaviour. At the end of it you will\n \n \n have learnt about decision-making techniques to help you overcome fear and self-doubt when face d with a challenging situation.\n have learnt abo ut assertiveness techniques to give you the confid ence and tools to speak out\, whether they are dea ling with the challenge directly or calling for he lp from others.\n receive an ‘Active Bystander Toolkit’ PDF booklet\, which contains the main t echniques covered in the session.\n \n \n  \n \n Ticket Costs\n \n \n £15 for Student members\n £35 for CIfA members\n £60 for non-members\n \n \n Additional information\n \n Bursary places are available for CIfA members at a cost of £15. Ple ase email to req uest one of these.\n \n   CATEGORIES:Workshop CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240919T120000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240919T120000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240919T133000 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR