BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Landscape SIG tea break lecture DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n  \n \n Description\n \n \n The Landscape SIG invites you to join us for our series of onli ne tea break lectures from 12:05 until 12:55 where we will explore the fascinating world of landscap e archaeology.\n \n We will delve into various dif ferent topics\, providing insights into the histor ical and cultural significance of landscapes.\n \n Join us for bite-sized talks (perfect for your lu nch break!)\, discussions\, and the chance to conn ect with fellow landscape SIG members.\n \n Each s ession will have a focus on a specific topic\, and we welcome everyone regardless of their level of pre-existing knowledge. This session will feature a lecture on ‘Make un-dateable features a thin g of the past! OSL Profiling and Dating (OSL-PD) f or landscape archaeology’ by our chair\, Profess or Sam Turner.  They are open to all CIfA member s and are free to attend.\n \n We'\;re always l ooking for ways to improve these lunchtime chats. Got a suggestion for a future topic or format? Fee l free to let us know when you attend!\n \n Additi onal info\n \n This session counts as 45 minutes o f CPD if it meets objectives on your personal dev elopment plan.\n \n This meeting will take place o n Zoom\; the link for the meeting will be sent in the confirmation email.\n \n CATEGORIES:Tea Break CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250115T120500 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250115T120500 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250115T125500 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR