Registration is closed for this event
This workshop is being postponed to a later date. An opportunity to find out more about the application of dendrochronology, otherwise known as tree-ring dating; the most precise dating technique available to archaeologists.

This workshop is being postponed to a later date.

Price: £40 CIfA & group members
£60 non-members
Bursaries spaces are available. For details contact Cara Jones


The day will introduce you to the principles and techniques involved in using dendrochronology to date and investigate archaeological sites and historic buildings, using mainly Scottish examples. This will help participants recognise when dendrochronology could be applicable in their projects.

A presentation and practical session in the morning will be followed by a related site visit in the afternoon. This workshop will suit professional archaeologists, students of archaeology and interested individuals from other walks of life.

Featured presenters: Coralie Mills

Agenda: TBC

June 20th, 2019 12:00 AM (BST/UTC+1)   to   12:00 AM (BST/UTC+1)
Dalkeith Country Park
Dalkeith, EH22 1ST
United Kingdom
CIfA & Scottish Group member £ 40.00
Non-member £ 60.00

CIfA & Scottish Group member £ 40.00
Non-member £ 60.00