Registration is closed for this event
This CPD workshop is for accredited professionals and those that need to demonstrate ethical abilities as part of their application for accreditation. This workshop is aimed for PCIfA and ACIfA members and applicants.

Practising ethical competence in archaeology

This CPD workshop is for accredited professionals and those that need to demonstrate ethical abilities as part of their application for accreditation.

Introductory offer: £10 for members, £50 non-members!

All CIfA-accredited archaeologists have undertaken to act in accordance with our Code of conduct: professional ethics in archaeology These rules apply to ethical decision-making in both complex and everyday environments. Because we all make ethical judgements every day. Right and wrong are not easily perceived, and decisions can be ‘more’ or ‘less’ ethically satisfactory.

Ethical behaviour is not innate: it is learned and practiced in the real world – or in a safe environment like this workshop. Here we will help you develop or hone your ethical competence, just as you gain technical competence elsewhere.

Our next workshop is aimed at those who have, or are considering applying for, PCIfA and ACIfA accreditation. Using case studies developed from real-life experiences in archaeological practice, the scenarios in this interactive workshop will allow participants to explore what happens when different roles in commercial fieldwork have conflicting motivations, and the ethical dimensions of going beyond the contract when that happens.

This valuable CPD opportunity will help you

  • recognise the ethical dimensions of your daily work
  • learn easily remembered techniques for comparing options and reaching ethical decisions
  • practise making ethical judgements in a safe place…
  • … and be better prepared for similar issues later encountered in real life!
  • identify how you can demonstrate evidence of ethical working to support your statement of competence, when applying for PCIfA and ACIfA accreditation
  • prepare for discussion of your ethical abilities at your professional review interview for MCIfA
  • acquire some techniques that you may need if you are interested in conducting ethics assessments as part of a professional review panel for MCIfA applications

Featured presenters

  • Peter Hinton – Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Archaeologists
  • Kate Geary - Head of Professional Development and Practice, Chartered Institute of Archaeologists

Additional information
The event start/end times indicated below are for British Summer Time (GMT + 1). The Zoom link will be sent out to all registrants the morning of the event.

Contact us
If you have any questions at all or require any assistance in registering or accessing this event, please contact the CIfA Events team:

February 23rd, 2022 5:00 PM (BST/UTC+1)   to   7:00 PM (BST/UTC+1)
CIfA members £ 10.00
Non-members £ 50.00

CIfA members £ 10.00
Non-members £ 50.00