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“…more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules”: Do we agree on how we implement finds management Standards and Guidance, from field to future archive? 


Standards and Guidance documents increasingly overlie our everyday working practices, ranging from high-level documents such as those produced by CIfA, to more specific guidance such as the BABAO Guidelines to the Standards for Recording Human Remains. But are these Standards and Guidelines always followed, and do we always agree on their implementation?  

How do finds-management processes and the implementation of Standards and Guidance impact the knowledge that can be gained from the archaeological record, and the future potential and use of the stored archive? Which Standards and Guidance are being followed and which are not, and how does this manifest itself? What pitfalls or successes have been created by implementing or veering away form recognised Standards and Guidance, and what can we learn from them? 

This hybrid day-conference will address these questions and more, with cross-sector input from finds processors, finds specialists, researchers, archivists and museum professionals. 


Please click here to view the full programme.

Additional Information

The event start/end times indicated below are for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Digital attendees will attend via Zoom, please indicate on registration if you will be attending in-person or online. Zoom links will be sent to registered attendees the morning of the event.


A full refund may be given on cancellations up to one week before the event. Within one week, a 50% refund will be given up to 24 hours before the event. Once the event has started, refunds may only be given in exceptional circumstances. To request a refund, please email us at

September 28th, 2023 9:30 AM (BST/UTC+1)   to   3:45 PM (BST/UTC+1)
Castle House
Great N Rd
Newark, NG24 1BY
United Kingdom
CIfA member £ 10.00
Non-member £ 20.00

CIfA member £ 10.00
Non-member £ 20.00