National Occupational Standards
National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to undertake a particular task or job to a nationally recognised level of competence. They are agreed statements of competence that describe the work outcomes required for an individual to achieve the standard expected. The NOS for Archaeological Practice has been in place since 2003.
How they are used
NOS are the building blocks of NVQs and describe good practice in particular areas of work. They provide managers with a tool for workforce management and quality control and can be used to write job descriptions or to identify skills needs and plan training.
Further information
Downloads (PDF files)
- Project to define professional functions and standards in archaeological practice. Final Report. Dr S. Carter & A. Robertson 2002.
- Occupational and Functional Mapping of the Archaeology Profession. Dr. S. Carter & A. Robertson. 2002.
Case studies (PDF files)
- Case study 1: English Heritage - designing an internship
- Case study 2: Foundations Archaeology - carrying out a skills audit
- Case study 3: Oxford Archaeology - writing job descriptions
A searchable database of National Occupational Standards is available on the UK Commission for Education and Skills website.