CIfA Codes, regulations and Standards, and guidance

CIfA has developed a range of Regulations, Standards and guidance that are binding on all members and Registered Organisations to ensure that CIfA members work to high ethical and professional standards. These documents are listed below.

For short introductions to some of the Standards and regulations please see our Understanding codes, regulations and standards and guidance page.


Standards and guidance

The Standards and guidance are currently undergoing a programme of review and update. This includes a new structure where the Standards and guidance are separate documents and the guidance is universal. Below you will find the Standard and universal guidance documents covering archaeological field evaluation, excavation and monitoring and recording in the newly updated format.

The rest of the Standards and guidance documents remain in the previous format for the time being. All of these documents regardless of their format are current. For further information about the updates being undertaken can be found in the document below. If you have any questions please contact

Standards - new format (fieldwork documents only)

Please ensure you also consult the supporting universal guidance below.

Universal guidance - new format (fieldwork documents only)

Please ensure you refer to the Standard above.

Standards and guidance - remaining documents

These documents follow the previous format so differ to the newly updated fieldwork documents above. However, they are still current for the area of archaeological practice being undertaken.

Toolkits to support Standards and guidance

Explore our Toolkits section for detailed information relating to procedures and the management of archaeological information.

Policy statements

  • Includes:
    • Equal opportunities;
    • Health and safety;
    • Volunteers and students on archaeological projects;
    • Use of training posts in archaeological projects;
    • Environmental protection;
    • Self-employment and the use of self-employed sub-contractors;
    • Acts and offences that may be considered under the professional conduct
    • membership and registration of organisations
    • Lay Director

Health and Safety guidance