Paying dividends? Securing the impact of development-led archaeological work

Organiser(s): Roger Thomas, English Heritage (RogerM.Thomas [at]

The 2011 Southport Report highlighted the importance of securing clear ‘public benefit’ from development-led archaeological work. At around the same time, universities were learning that the ‘impact’ of their research was to be one of the criteria for decisions about future research funding.
The parallels are obvious, as is the scope for working together across the government, commercial and higher education archaeological sectors, to produce the maximum ‘impact’ (or public benefit) from development-led work. This is clearly to the potential advantage of all.

This session will look at current initiatives aimed at extracting the maximum value, in terms of new knowledge and understanding, from past and current development-led work. The session will also consider how the different sectors might work together in the future in order to achieve the greatest possible impact, and the relationships between development-led archaeological work, academic research and public engagement.