About CIfA

CIfA is the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas. We promote high professional standards and strong ethics in archaeological practice, to maximise the benefits that archaeologists bring to society. We are the authoritative and effective voice for archaeologists, bringing recognition and respect to our profession.

Find out more about our work here on our website, or download:

You can also watch this short video about us:

History of the Institute

The Institute was created in 1982 as the Institute for Field Archaeologists and became the Institute for Archaeologists in 2006. We achieved a Royal Charter in December 2014. Our Brief History of CIfA provides an overview of why the Institute was established and what it has achieved to date.

Professional networks and area groups

Our professional specialist networks and area groups provide a forum for discussion and development within the many strands of professional archaeology - from the marine environment to buildings archaeology, forensic archaeologists to geophysicists, and from the new generation through to current experts in graphics archaeology. Our groups help CIfA achieve the ambitious aims set out in our 2010-20 Strategic Plan, which provides the roadmap for our current business plan.

Find out more via our groups and values and strategy web pages.

Professional associations

Professional Associations Research Network (PARN) member logo

As a member of the Professional Associations Research Network, CIfA is:

  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest sector research and best practice guidance
  • Equipped through training and events to deal with the challenges professional bodies face
  • Part of an active network of professional bodies that learn from each other