CIfA's Area and Special Interest Groups represent different specialisms, geographical areas and themes across the historic environment sector. They were formed by CIfA members who want to promote the Institute's work and provide a forum for discussion regarding good practice and assist in setting high professional standards. Groups also present specialist views through the Advisory Council and respond to consultations from external bodies when requested. Each Group is led by volunteers. They give their time to promote the Institute's work.
Connecting with CIfA's groups will keep you up to date with current policy and professional practice through meetings, CPD training events, and e-newsletters.
Join a CIfA group
Being a member of a CIfA Group provides a range of benefits including
- discussion about concerns and good practice within a geographical area or specialism
- newsletters and ebulletins developed by the Group
- Group led events and learning including day conferences, bitesize CPD sessions or specialism training opportunities
- networking or discussion opportunities
- involvement in relevant consultations, policy debate and research requests
CIfA members can join any group for free! Visit your Member Area (login required) and choose the 'Your Groups' option, or update your choices when you renew your membership each year in April.
Non-CIfA members can join any group for an annual fee of £10 per group as a Group Supporter. It may be worthwhile applying to be a CIfA member if you wish to join several of them. To join a group as a Group Supporter, use our Group Supporter application form [This form will be available shortly].
Group Supporters receive a range of benefits to being a member of our Groups including
- bulletins specifically for Group Supporters twice per year
- free attendance at relevant Group digital events including bitesize CPD, tea breaks and networking sessions
- CIfA member rate fee at the relevant paid for Group events
- signposting to relevant materials, papers, conferences or consultations relevant to the discipline
- opportunity to feed into the work being done by relevant Groups
- access to a PDF version of a relevant themed The Archaeologist magazine guest edited by Groups you are a member of
- plus much more!
For further information about the benefit of joining any CIfA Groups, please contact