Forensic Archaeology Special Interest Group


Formed in April 2011, after discussions relating to the ethics and practicalities of working in forensic archaeology. The group promotes good practice in forensic archaeology work to ensure that appropriate standards and guidance for forensic archaeology are adopted, maintained and enforced.
In addition, the group advises CIfA Advisory Council on issues relating to forensic archaeology, disseminates information relating to forensic archaeology, and facilitates the exchange of information and ideas between practitioners and bodies both within the UK and internationally.

Join the Group

Membership is free to CIfA members through the Members area login. Those who are not members of the institute will need to pay an annual £10 fee and can join here

Twitter: follow @CIfA_FASIG on Twitter
Discord: Group members can request to join by emailing groups [at]
Email: please email fasigcomm23 [at] with any news, opportunities or resources that you would like us to include in upcoming newsletters.


Rob Janaway (Chair)
Diana Swales (Secretary)
Alexandria Young (Treasurer)
Jennifer Mikkelsen
Denise Hillier
Deborah Ryder
Peter Schofield
Madeleine Stephens
Aidan Harte
Sabrina Ki (Advisor)

FAEP: Forensic Archaeology Expert Register and Panel (Expert Panel)

The Forensic Archaeology Expert Register and Panel (FAEP) has been established by the CIfA Board of Directors and operates independently of the Forensic Archaeology Special Interest Group constitution. The panel take contributions from the group committee on significant areas of discussion.
You can find more details on the FAEP webpage.

Standard and guidance

The group has developed the Standard and guidance document for forensic archaeologists, which can be found on the CIfA Code regulations and standards webpage. The adoption of this Standard was approved by IfA Council in October 2011 and has since been endorsed by the Home Office Forensic Science Regulator.

3-year plan

3 year plan 2022 - 2025

Specialist competence matrix

This specialist matrix is to assist applicants and the Validation committee to see where you demonstrate the grade applied for when working in Forensic archaeology.

Forthcoming events

For information about upcoming events, please visit our event calendar.


Summer 2023
Winter 2021

AGM minutes

AGM 2023 minutes 26 January 2024
AGM minutes October 2022

Committee minutes

Joint meeting minutes with OsteoSIG 10 August 2023
Committee minutes 17 April 2023
Committee minutes 27 January 2023