Community Archaeology

CIfA Community Archaeology Group logo
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Jess Lowther
Nina O'Hare
Frank Giecco
Committee member
Dickie Bennett
Committee member
Sarah-Jane Farr
Committee member
Perry Gardner
Committee member
Emily Johnston
Committee member
Richard McConnell
Committee member
Mike Nevell
James Brown
Specialist competence matrix

Thank you to those who contributed to our consultation about the competency matrix. The specialist matrix is to assist applicants and the Validation committee to see where you demonstrate the grade applied for when working in community archaeology.

Three year plan

No plan available

A photo of the Community SIG committee members holding a briefcase labelled 'toolkit'

The Community Archaeology Group (CAG) was originally established in 2011 as Voluntary and Community Archaeology Special Interest Group. We consider community engagement to be an integral part of professional archaeological practice and should be embedded in project design and delivery. Community engagement is a critical aspect of delivering public benefit through archaeology. The role of community archaeologists (paid or unpaid) is fundamental in this process.

  1. To provide a recognised voice within CIfA for furthering the interests of community archaeologists and delivery of community engagement.
  2. To embed community engagement in archaeological practice and support its meaningful delivery to the highest standard.
  3. To advise the Board of Directors and its Advisory Council and committees on issues relating to community archaeology and engagement, both within the context of CIfA and within the discipline of archaeology.
  4. To provide guidance to ensure that community archaeologists (and the organisations to which they belong), have the competence to carry out their roles to the highest possible standards.
  5. To promote the adoption and implementation of CIfA Standards, guidance and policy by community archaeologists and the organisations to which they belong.
  6. To work with partner organisations and stakeholders across the sector to support and promote community archaeology.

See the Community Archaeology Group blog for more information.


Reports and publications


Event date