Training opportunities

Training courses, workshops and events

CIfA Approved Training & CPD logo
We offer a wide range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and training across all learning levels, held around the UK in person and digitally, and many of these are CIfA Approved. 'CIfA Approved Training & CPD' is our brand name for training and CPD approved by us. It is a quality mark bearing the yellow logo above, which means it has been assessed against a set of learning criteria.

A range of other organisations have CIfA Approved training & CPD, which includes CPD courses, field schools and excavation training, Registered Organisations in-house employee training and Historic England courses. These are listed on our weekly Jobs Information Service and Training (JIST) bulletin, free to CIfA members, alongside up to date job adverts.

CIfA Approved CPD and Training - guide for learners

Types of training and professional development CIfA offer:

CIfA Approved training

Veterans working on a site in Kyiv summer 2023. On Friday, 5th July, Bournemouth University will be holding a Seminar/Training Event on Using Archaeology for Recovery. Speakers with a wide knowledge of running projects that assist those who have suffered from trauma, especially on the battlefield, will be sharing their experiences with those who wish to run similar projects. Case studies from both the UK and Europe will include Operation Nightingale, Waterloo Uncovered, Breaking Ground Heritage, and Ukraine, alongside discussion of the use of AMPHORA guidelines. We are particularly looking forward to welcoming two contributors from Kyiv who will share their experiences of running extensive programmes for veterans of the current conflict. The day seminar has been approved by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and we welcome those from the archaeological profession who wish to learn more about how archaeology can be used in this way and to share experiences with a view to establishing best practice in this expanding area of archaeology and well-being. The fee for the day is £65 which includes morning/afternoon teas and coffees and a light lunch. For further details please contact Mark Brisbane (mbrisbane [at] or Richard Osgood (richard.osgood273 [at] Bookings can be made through EventBrite
Photo credit Sergiy Taranenko

  • An Introduction to Paleoradiography - Online short course

  • Pushing the Sensors are pleased to announce a return to in-person courses at the Shaftesbury Centre, Swindon from October 2023.
    Making the Most of Lidar 1 day course Next Date: 5th October 2023 Cost: £200 (including refreshments & lunch)
    Advanced Lidar for Historic Environment Professionals 2 day course Next Dates: 22nd & 23rd November 2023 Cost: £600 (including refreshments, lunch and social dinner
    on the evening of the 22nd)
    Lidar at the Desk and in the Field 2 day course Next Dates: May 2024 Cost: £350 (including refreshments, lunch & travel to site)
    Introduction to QGIS for Desk Based Research 1 day course Next In Person Dates: Spring 2024 Cost: £200 (including refreshments and lunch)
    You can find more details about in-person courses on the website.
    They are also running an online course Introduction To QGIS For Historic Environment Professionals and details are here.

External CPD, training or courses (not CIfA Approved)