Subscription and renewal

  • Current subscription fees
  • The subscription year runs from 1 April to 31 March the following year
  • Subscription renewals are circulated in February/March and are due by 1 April
  • If you pay by instalment direct debit, these run from 1 June to 1 March the following year. To set up a direct debit or change your details you will need to complete this direct debit form with a hand-written signature and return it to us
  • Subscription bands are based on your grade of accreditation
  • Concessionary rates are available to accredited members who are unemployed or on a low income. Any members can move to the ‘Retired’ category by confirming their employment status with the HMRC is declared as retired and their tax code has been altered accordingly
  • If you are planning to upgrade your accreditation you will still need to renew your subscription at your current grade and then we will request the additional amount due once you have upgraded
  • Student members can continue to pay the Student subscription category for up to one year after graduation date
  • For further information, see our subscription FAQs and subscription statuses explained
  • For members living in Germany, please go to Hinweise zur Beitragszahlung | Chartered Institute for Archaeologists for more information

Online renewal

To renew your subscription click on the button below and follow the instructions. Your username for the CIfA website will be your 'First name Last name'. If you have forgotten your password and need to reset this please follow the CIfA website password instructions.

We do not store payment card details, nor do we share financial details with any 3rd parties.

2025/26 subscription renewals coming soon!

Digital membership cards

We have changed the way you can access your membership card. Not only will this give you instant access whenever you need it but will also help to reflect our environmental policy statement. Once you have paid your subscription fees you will be able to download your most recent card from your member dashboard (physical cards can be sent on request).

Download membership card



Historic Environment Journal

There are four issues of the Historic Environment Journal per year available to CIfA members at a reduced annual subscription. Taylor & Francis also include access to content online for past volumes.

If you would like to subscribe to the journal, you can opt into this when renewing.

Claiming tax back on fees

You can claim tax relief on your subscription if you are a UK tax payer. You will now find us under 'A' on the HM Revenue & Customs approved list.