Advisory Council meeting report: salary benchmarking, CIfA groups and CSCS cards

Advisory Council has a wide range of topics on its agenda and minutes of meetings can be downloaded from the website. In this bulletin we’ve highlighted a few of the key items discussed at the latest meeting in May.

Salary benchmarking

This was the first time Advisory Council had met since the EGM in April and the main discussion for the meeting was dedicated to salary benchmarking. Advisory Council was asked to give its comments on the salary benchmarking project plan circulated to members on 9 May. Representatives from Advisory Council will be involved in the project advisory group.

Advisory Council was also asked to provide feedback on the proposed communications plan for salary benchmarking. Alongside this, the Board asked Advisory Council for volunteers to form a working group to support the ongoing communications for salary benchmarking and to offer advice to the Board on

  1. how the benchmarking report can be used and developed to support CIfA’s policy on pay in archaeology
  2. the most effective ways to explain to archaeologists how CIfA’s advocacy and external relations work to promote the value of archaeology (including social value, competence, professionalism, remuneration etc and achieving our strategy and values for viable careers) works to create an environment where better pay is feasible

CIfA Area and Special Interest Groups

Advisory Council was given an update on the formation of the new Landscape Special Interest Group. The Group has been formed to highlight the importance of establishing a robust and suitably broad record, characterisation and understanding of the historic and contemporary landscape.

Advisory Council was also informed of the decision from the Board to suspend the Australia Group. Despite the hard work on the part of the committee members, the Group has not managed to carry out the constitutional requirements set in the group regulations and additional requirements from the Board to establish connections with existing groups/societies in Australia.

CSCS cards

Advisory Council was informed that CIfA is continuing to work with FAME and Registered Organisations to understand the impacts of the decision by CSCS to remove archaeology from the list of construction related professionals and withdraw the cards related to this. We are continuing to maintain a dialogue with CSCS and Build UK and to look for an alternative solution. CIfA is very keen to receive feedback from Organisations and individuals who are experiencing difficulties with companies turning away archaeologists for not having CSCS cards to help to strengthen our messages. Please email

The next Advisory Council meeting will be on 3 July 2024. If you have an issue that you would like the Advisory Council to consider, or you would like Advisory Council to raise with the Board of Directors, you can email us at, or contact the Chair of Advisory Council, a Group representative or any of the elected members