A new Toolkit for Finds: Pottery resource has been launched by CIfA and its Finds Group. The Toolkit outlines the recommended approach to all aspects of pottery work and has been designed to complement the existing Toolkit for Specialist Reporting, helping to ensure that pottery work being undertaken complies with the CIfA Standard and guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and research of archaeological materials.
This Toolkit was developed using funding from Historic England and delivered by a project team led by Kayt Hawkins and Emily Johnson (Archaeology South-East, UCL), supported by a project advisory board of sector specialists. It converts the content of the published A Standard for Pottery Studies in Archaeology (Barclay et al 2016) into the Toolkit for Finds: Pottery with the support of the original authors and of the Prehistoric Ceramic Research Group (PCRG), the Study Group for Roman Pottery (SGRP), and the Medieval and Later Pottery Research Group (MLPRG).
CIfA has produced a wide range of Toolkits. To access them, visit our website.
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