The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists held a workshop in Edinburgh yesterday focused on accreditation and continuing professional development.
The event provided applicants and those considering applying for or upgrading their membership with advice on how to approach the task of demonstrating their competences. It covered practicalities of applying, and also the wider reasons for what the benefit of accreditation is for practicing archaeologists and the wider profession.
The event also explored how to set SMART objectives for professional development, identify your needs, find suitable training opportunities, and achieve career goals.
Click here to download the presentation from the event.
The event was being delivered as part of Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy, which aims to improve for innovation and skills in the archaeology sector. The Strategy seeks to develop improve training provisions, develop career development pathways, and support archaeologists to achieve professional recognition for their skills, as well as help clients and employers of accredited gain a better understanding of skills and professional competence.
CIfA are holding another workshop on mental health first aid CPD on 20 Feb and there will be a workshop on Written Schemes of Investigation in March, date TBC.
You can find further information on joining CIfA here, and more information on CPD here. If you have any further questions, get in touch with us at cifa.scotland [at]