*Report publication* Building capacity through innovation


CIfA is pleased to announce the publication of the Building capacity through innovation project report. In January many of you attended our Innovation festival which showcased a great variety of presentations, workshops and discussion panels all focused on the subject of innovation in archaeology. This festival was inspired by the project and funded by Historic England.

This project was commissioned to address feedback in the 2017 21st century challenges for archaeology workshop series that highlighted a lack of innovation in developer-led archaeology. The aim of the project was to explore this observation, identify the potential barriers and issues inhibiting the consistent implementation of innovative approaches and present recommendations for improvement. The report presents data related to the perceptions and experiences of those individuals and organisations working on developer-led projects across the historic environment, highlighting for discussion several barriers to innovation identified. On the whole the feedback highlighted that the sector sees itself as innovative, with a wide range of examples of different approaches included in the appendices but it was also acknowledged that improvements could be made. ​As a result the report outlines a series of further recommendations for improvement that focus on the themes of facilitating knowledge exchange and the dissemination of information across the historic environment sector.

To read the report and access the recorded sessions from the CIfA Innovation festival see our project page https://www.archaeologists.net/projects/building-capacity-through-innovation