Salary benchmarking - listening to your views and mapping the way forward

CIfA’s Board of Directors and staff would like to thank all members who have contacted us about the announcements around the replacement of minimum salary recommendations. We would also particularly like to thank our Early Careers group who has been collecting anonymous responses on behalf of their membership.

We have been reading all the comments received and will respond directly to any questions raised. All other comments will be informing our work and communications moving forwards. We have also been reading and taking account of all the comments posted on BAJR, and we will continue to speak to BAJR and the Early Careers committee to ensure that we provide responses through these groups, as well as our own platforms.

We are aware of a petition and a direct call emailed to Practitioner members using the email addresses published on the professional register.  We have reached out directly to the author of this petition with the hope that constructive discussions will take place.

Next steps towards salary benchmarking

Staff are implementing the programme of producing salary benchmarking and are establishing data sharing agreements between partner organisations. Moving the focus away from minimum salaries we will be better able to provide a more useful tool to help employers and employees make informed decisions about rates of pay. Salary benchmarking will also help to support CIfA and partner organisations to advocate for higher salaries. It will also ensure CIfA works within its remit as a professional body and in accordance with its Charter and by-law.

We have received and seen comments about other professional institutes having minimum salary recommendations for their professions so why can't CIfA do the same. The majority of these are based on a process of salary benchmarking and are clearly set as guidance and/or information and are in no way required. The process of salary benchmarking CIfA is working towards will adopt a similar approach and put CIfA in a better position to advocate for better pay and conditions.

If you have any questions or comments please email these to You will receive an initial holding response but we will reply to questions raised as soon as possible.