News archive

11th November 2020

Many CIfA members will have been following the progress of planning reform proposals in England since the summer. CIfA has been working hard to...

5th November 2020

Social Distancing for Archaeology (SoDA) Toolkit Seminar

5th November 2020

CIfA2021 online: Annual Conference - save the date! 21 – 23 April 2021

30th October 2020

As part of CIfA’s policy work, we work closely with government, civil servants and external organisations, collaborating with many others in both...

27th October 2020

Part 1 will deal with the planning changes and their impacts on the historic environment – intended and unintended, immediate and potentially...

26th October 2020

To help support and inform members we are developing a wide range of case studies to include on our website.

26th October 2020

You are invited to an online event hosted by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in collaboration with Historic England.


23rd October 2020

A core area of our work focuses on professional development – ensuring that professional archaeologists have access to training to develop their...

20th October 2020

As the professional body for archaeologists, we have a responsibility to investigate allegations that a CIfA-accredited archaeologist or...

16th October 2020

18 October marks World Menopause Day and we want to start a conversation on menopause and archaeology.

The NHS describes the Menopause as...