News archive
There will be free workshops on' Chartered archaeologists' (10.a.m. -1.p.m.) and 'Professionalism - an introduction', (2-4.p.m.)as well as a...
In the past two weeks the topic of the EU referendum and the result in favour of Britain leaving the EU has been discussed by archaeologists all...
A subscription payment reminder for 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 has just been sent.
The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists is running two free workshops in Edinburgh on Wednesday 27 July.
The Heritage Lottery Fund has announced a new round of Skills for the Future funding. The funding seeks to target skills shortages in the heritage...
The Department for Communities and Local Government have responded this morning to a petition urging Government to "stop destruction of British...
Judges have released the shortlist for this year’s British Archaeological Awards showcasing professional and community-led archaeology projects up...