News archive
CIfA calls for safeguards for the historic environment if permitted development rights are to be extended to facilitate the groundwater monitoring...
Historic England has published new Good Practice Advice on planning and the historic environment.
CIfA comments on draft secondary legislation that will be introduced to implement the provisions of the Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014.
Historic Scotland and the Scottish Strategic Archaeology Committee have produced a draft Archaeology Strategy for Scotland which is now available...
CIfA, together with ALGAO: England, have responded to the recent DCLG consultation on building more homes on brownfield land.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors on 26 January 2015, CIfA’s minimum salary recommendations for the financial year beginning 1 April 2015...
CIfA supports the role of specialists in its response to English Heritage’s recent consultation on its draft Guidance for archaeological and...
The Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Europe and External Affairs, has announced the first Chair and Board Members for Historic Environment Scotland...
English Heritage has recently consulted on an Action Plan for the new Historic England covering the period 2015 to 2018. This Plan will provide...
CIfA lends its support to the development of a Performance Measurement Framework for the Strategy for the Historic Environment in Scotland, Our...