Historic Scotland and the Scottish Strategic Archaeology Committee have produced a draft Archaeology Strategy for Scotland which is now available for consultation www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/index/about/consultations/archaeology-strat.... Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy is a ten-year plan to contribute to the delivery of archaeological aspects of the Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland, as well as support the delivery of archaeological aspects of the National Strategy for Scotland’s Museums and Galleries.
The Institute welcomes its emphasis on the value of archaeology, its recognition of the importance of CIfA and professional standards and its commitment to improving the public benefits derived from archaeology. CIfA will be responding to the consultation and would encourage members to respond in person either directly or by providing comments to Tim Howard (tim.howard [at] archaeologists.net) by 26 May 2015 in order to inform the CIfA response. The consultation closes on 09 June 2015.