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CIfA2019 Archaeology: values, benefits, and legacies - Annual training event and conference

24 to 26 April 2019, Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds


Our theme for the 2019 conference will provide a forum for delegates to discuss and explore ideas around social value, public benefit, and the creation of knowledge. It offers the opportunity to think about legacy and how the work we undertake now will impact on future generations – from inspiring future careers to learning lessons from our failures. We also want to consider how a multitude of stakeholders - archaeologists, policy makers, clients, the public - value our discipline: financially, politically and intellectually and to think about how effective we are in communicating that value through the stories we tell.

Session recordings

Wednesday, 24 Apr Breakout sessions
Session 1 If at first you don’t succeed...embrace and share the failures
Session 2 How can we improve the legacies of archaeological community engagement in place making?
2.1 The Sherford Community, Old and New: Changing client’s attitudes to community engagement Gareth Chaffey
2.2 Lessons from the Past: The Cambourne Village College Young Roots Project Clemency Cooper
2.3 Museums and Place-making David Dawson
2.4 Bootham Crescent: Sharing Memories, Shaping Place Jason Wood
2.5 'Community Archaeology' Projects and Legacies: A case study from Nottingham, 2014-2018 Gareth Davies
2.6 Dig Greater Manchester Mike Nevell
2.7 Decolonising our approach to archaeological community engagement Laura Hampden
2.8 Seeming and being are not one and the same Debbie Frearson
2.9 It’s all in the Question: Exploring our legacy of engagement in the Yorkshire Wolds Neil Redfern
Session 3 Early career researchers in archaeology and networking event
3.1 My research has gone to pieces! What destruction of metalwork can tell us about Bronze Age society Matthew G. Knight
3.2 Curating the Tower Alfred Hawkins
3.3 The Shefton Archive: Enhancing a Collection’s History through Object Biographies Daisy-Alys Vaughan
3.4 After Excavation: Maintaining research potential of archaeological bone Chloe Pearce
3.5 'Of Plagues and Mummies: Chalk, lime and gypsum deposits in Roman burial practices Dragos Mitrofan
3.6 Deep-sea archaeology in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Cyprus Achilleas Iasonos
3.7 Look after your denarii: the benefits of object first aid training for field staff Lucie Altenburg
3.8 One does not simply become…a finds specialist Kayt Hawkins
Session 4 Metatdata Edit-a-thon
4.1 Introduction to Metadata Templates Claire Tsang
4.2 'But it's not FAIR!' Making data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable Edmund Lee
4.3 Work Digital / Think Archive Manda Forster

Thursday, 25 Apr Breakout sessions
Session 5 Public benefit, social value, impact, legacy...
5.1 Theories of change - for everyday! Sophie Jackson
5.2 Caring for Brodsworth: an impact case study of a conservation in action project Gail Chitty
5.3 Putting theory into practice Helen Johnston
5.4 What came first, the trowel or the pen? Jenny Wylie and Daniel Evans
5.5 Taking a developer's vision back in history Kate Clover and Lara Bishop
5.6 Making connections between place, purpose and content Emma Carver
5.7 What we leave behind: establishing value and building a sustainable legacy Sam Paul and Katie Green
Session 6 Whose archaeology is it anyway? Engagement with archives beyond the dig
6.1 Your DIG - Working Towards a Model of Participatory Interpretation Jen Jackson
6.2 Archive Artefacts at Work Owen Humphreys
6.3 Small finds, big impact: volunteer empowerment in the Portable Antiquities Scheme Lauren Speed
6.4 Reconnecting with the River: Two cases studies of engagement through artefacts Helen Johnston and Joshua Frost
6.5 '#ArchiveLottery – a different kind of digital engagement Adam Corsini
Session 7 Adapting to climate change – how do we create a positive legacy?
7.1 A Sector Adaptation Plan for Wales: incorporating positive values Andrew Davidson
7.2 Adapting to Climate Change. A Positive Legacy for Scotland’s historic environment Mairi Davies, David Harkin and Ewan Hyslop
7.3 Climate change: Values, Benefits and Legacies. The value of cultural heritage in climate change Tanya Venture, Hannah Fluck and Meredith Wiggins
7.4 Managing the positive effects of oceanic climate change on underwater cultural heritage Mark Dunkley
7.5 Historic Landscape Characterisation as a climate change vulnerability assessment tool Isabel Cook
7.6 From Hills to Sea. Flooding and the historic environment in the North of England Chris Hewitson
7.7 [Theatre in Heritage. Facilitating engagement with environmental and archaeological Issues] Claire Frampton
Session 8 Photography and its applications in cultural heritage
Session 9 Public benefit, social value, impact, legacy... (con't)
9.1 Building Benefit: the value of closer integration with construction Kate Geary and Cat Gibbs
9.2 What makes the Ideal Archaeologist? & A Chat with Mark Spanjer Neil Redfern & Mark Spanjer
Session 10 A month in the country? The value of heritage for wellbeing and social prescription
10.1 Peel Hill Thorne: Prescribing the Motte Neil Redfern
10.2 Marine Operation Nightingale & HMS Montagu – achieving heritage protection & therapeutic outcomes Toby Gane & Graham Scott
10.3 The Dis/Advantages and Advantages of Enabled Archaeological Holistic Fieldwork Theresa O’Mahony
10.4 A Band of Brothers at Bullecourt: an outsiders view of a century long military bond Alex Sotheran
10.5 Operation Nightingale: Working Towards a Standard Model Phil Abramson
10.6 Wellbeing and the Historic Environment: what now? Linda Monckton
10.7 Archaeology supporting Mental Health and well-being in London: Lessons from earlier projects William Rathouse
10.8 Developing projects with social impacts Cara Jones
Session 11 Archaeological geophysics: why do we do it? Is it done well? Does it matter?!
11.1 Introduction: Archaeological geophysics: Why aren’t we doing it like this? Mark Whittingham
11.2 The use of high density GPR arrays for large area geophysical survey Neil Linford
11.3 Prospective Alternatives: Assessing Low Frequency Electromagnetic Survey Hans Whitefield
11.4 From hectares to square kilometres; Lessons learned from large scale infrastructure projects Chrys Harris
11.5 Magnetometer Data Display and Archiving on Large Infrastructure Projects Sam Harrison
11.6 Archaeological geophysics - a digital 'Dark Age' Peter McKeague
11.7 Introduction: Geophysics: the wider context Lucy Parker
11.8 Who Regulates Professional Standards in Archaeological Geophysics? John Gater
11.9 ‘New dog- Old tricks?’ Training in Action- Geophysical Training in Tunisia Patricia Voke
11.10 Using Geophysical Survey Results During Active Commercial Site Investigations Victoria Guy
11.11 Geophysical Survey & Planning - a consultant’s sop or vital tool in the Armoury Rob Bourn
Session 12 Ethics workshop

Friday, 26 Apr Breakout sessions
Session 13 Offshore development: creating a legacy for marine archaeology
13.1 Dead Man's Chest: Historic Environment Data Archive Centres and MEDIN (Marine Environmental Data and Information Network) Peter McKeague and Katie Green
13.2 Across and beyond site boundaries: maximising the legacy of commercial submerged palaeolandscape investigations Claire Mellett
13.3 Where the wind blows: A Curators Perspective on the public benefit from offshore wind developments Pip Naylor
13.4 Introduction to afternoon session Victoria Cooper
13.5 Offshore Legacies: are we making the most of the marine development dividend? Antony Firth
Session14 An archaeological inspiration: inspiring creative responses to understanding the past and shaping the future
14.1 Inspiring and experiencing at the London Mithraeum Sophie Jackson
14.2 From find to ind: how can we transform archaeology into cultural capital Neil Redfern
14.3 Rethinking the perception of magic and rituals in archaeological contexts Debora Moretti
14.4 Managing interpretation on HMS Victory Rosemary Thornber
14.5 Creating archaeology: practice, process, purpose Gavin MacGregor
14.6 Drawing on the coast – art, archaeology and future legacies Lara Band and Sarah Colbourne
14.7 Making a great place: How the creative arts can enhance the heritage experience Megan Clement and Dominic Somers
Session 15 Communicating the values of archaeologists to detectorists and embedding metal detecting into professional practice
15.1 Where to detect? A review: metal detector surveys on developer-funded investigations Stewart Bryant
15.2 Structured, supervised metal detecting surveys as technique for investigating Vicky Nash
15.3 A tale of two cities: metal detecting policy, municipalities and heritage Kiara Beaulieu
15.4 The current state of hobbyist metal detecting in Scotland - Where do we go from here? Warren Bailie
15.5 Making Metal-Detecting Great (Again)? Michael Lewis
15.6 First contact - full bloom Alan Standish
15.7 Metal detecting and local authority archaeology services Toby Catchpole
Session 16 CIfA Standards and guidance workshop