During the last few months, CIfA Deutschland has worked on a German version of the RO Scheme. Due to differences in law and daily practice, some adjustments will need to be made but they are relatively minor and will be applied to the RO form and to guidance so the existing CIfA system can be implemented in Germany. This is crucial to have all the benefits of the RO Scheme in Germany as it is in the UK now and to keep it comparable and usable. The most important adjustment is the introduction of three levels, small companies (Level I), middle size companies (Level II) and large companies (Level III), which are largely needed due to legal requirements with the growing number of employees. It is proposed to add this to the registration form and add an explanation to a guidance note. Before we start this system in Germany CIfA Deutschland asks for comments on the draft. The draft can be downloaded here and sent back with comments to cifa.deutschland [at] archaeologits.net before the 5th of May. We are looking forward to getting your comments!
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