Inspection Panel resources

This is where RO inspection panel members can find useful resources and guidance. It is a developing page so if you have any ideas or we are missing anything please get in touch with

Organisations are inspected against and registered in accordance with the Code of conduct, Regulations for the registration of organisations, the relevant Standards and guidance, and CIfA policies. All these documents can be found here.

Please use the dropdown menus and links below to view. 

Here are some introductory documents covering what to expect

Panel members should read and have an understanding of these Guidance notes and take particular note of guidance on registration process and inspections for applicants.

Before the inspection day

  • You will receive an Outlook calendar invitation for the inspection day and for a pre-inspection meeting. This is usually scheduled for the Thursday before. 
  • Panel members are asked to review two reports in some detail prior to the inspection - please see this video for guidance on reviewing reports.
  • Read the application form and note down any questions on the Panel members benchmarking form prior to the pre-inspection planning meeting. You can then continue to use the form to note down key points on inspection day.

Guidance and training documents

Where relevant, we also schedule a facilities and site visit and/or specialist report reviews.

In some cases we may get in touch with the inspection panel to see if they are available for this. The relevant forms are below for your reference. 

Upcoming inspections

If you are interested in joining an inspection panel in the future, please get in touch.