Planning Case Study 109
Salford central regeneration
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest
Type of application & broad category
Local planning authority
Authority: Salford City Council
References: 09/57950/EIAHYB; 18/71823/FUL & 18/71824/LBC
Development proposal
09/ 57950: Outline Application for a comprehensive phased regeneration of ‘Salford Central’, land bounded by Cleminson St to north, New Bailey St to east, River Irwell to south-east, Trinity Way and North Star Drive to south and Adelphi St to west, extending to 17.7 hectares.
18/71823: Erection of 7-storey office building (Use Class B1a) and formation of parking area within railway arches and pedestrian link between New Bailey and Gore Street, means of access, landscaping, together with ancillary facilities, servicing and public realm, associated localised repair and redecoration of the Southern Railway Viaduct (Grade II* Listed), Plot 1 New Bailey / Plots B2/B3 Salford Central Masterplan, at land southwest of New Bailey Street and Southeast Salford Central Station, M3 5ET.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
Numerous HER entries. The archaeological and historic interest is mainly in the post-medieval and industrial periods identified in EIA Chapter 9, produced in 2009.
Archaeological/planning processes
This major regeneration project envisaged dozens of new developments across car parks, run-down industrial premises and wasteland on the west side of Salford’s historic core.
The application for the original hybrid overarching regeneration scheme was approved in 2010 and the decision notice includes a pre-commencement condition (36) for archaeology.
The archaeological advisor to the LPA then worked with Salford LPA to devise a blanket archaeology condition to cover all the development sites, informed by an overarching desk-based assessment and selected archaeological evaluation. Subsequently as each site comes forward the archaeological advisors to the LPA will consider the need for a more detailed site specific desk-based assessment and evaluation trenching.
Application 18/71823 is a notable recent example of a specific proposal for the erection of 7-storey office building at Plot 1 New Bailey. The application was on the site of New Bailey Prison, a reform prison built towards the end of the 18th century. An understanding of the site and the likely impact of the development was already known from previous archaeological evaluation including a desk-based assessment. This helped facilitate the approval of the application by the LPA which included a specific pre- commencement archaeology condition. A detailed WSI for archaeological excavation of the prison was produced by the archaeological advisors to the LPA and the site was excavated in 2018.
Outcomes: archaeological
The above approach of an overarching archaeological planning provision with supporting evidence which is able to inform specific proposals as they come forward, has proved to be efficient and cost-effective for the archaeological advisors to the LPA and the developers. It has also resulted in the discovery of some remarkable archaeology relating to early industrial Salford including back-to-back workers’ housing and the extensive remains of a late 18th century reform prison which will feature on ‘Digging for Britain.’ A monograph is being prepared.
Overarching planning condition:
"36. Prior to any demolition, site clearance or demolition commencing on any phase or plot within the site other than the hereby approved highway and associated works to Chapel street (Zone K) and the laying out of public space at Stanley Street (within Zone B) and Archaeological Management Strategy for that phase or plot shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Strategy shall include the following matters:
- a written scheme of investigation;
- a framework for undertaken consultation;
- agreed recording standards and reporting; and
- a programme of archaeological work.
The agreed programme of archaeological work shall be secured and completed in accordance with the Strategy and written scheme for each phase or plot unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
To make a record of historic building fabric and archaeological remains for archive and research purposes, and for public benefit in accordance with policy CH5 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan."
Other outcomes/outputs e.g. other public benefit such as public engagement, research and new/changed work practices
Opportunities have been taken to incorporate community engagement in excavations and in open days/guided tours.
There will be a monograph on New Bailey Prison and the landscaping scheme will incorporate heritage references and information boards.
References and links/bibliography
- Salford Archaeology Centre for Applied Archaeology, University of Salford 2018, One New Bailey: A Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Excavation. Unpublished report.
- Ove Arup & Partners Ltd 2009, Central Salford Masterplan, Environmental Impact Assessment, Chapter 9, Archaeology. Unpublished report.