New Archaeological Archives Online Training Materials

In support of two of CIfA’s existing toolkits, the Toolkit for Selecting Archaeological Archives and Dig Digital, we’re pleased to say that new resources are now available to support implementation of good practice approaches to archives management.

CPD module – free for everyone for one year
(after a year the module will be subject to the same pricing as the other CPD modules for non-members)
A new eLearning CPD module - Archaeological archives: creating FAIR, sustainable and ethical archives - is now available for all members and non-members to take. The aim of the module is to understand our professional responsibilities around archives, and how we can all become advocates for good archives practice. The module covers why archaeological archives are so important, as well as how practitioners can make sure they are accessible well into the future. With embedded quizzes and prompts to think about your own practice, the course covers CIfA Standards and guidance, FAIR Principles and your role within the process. As with CIfA’s other CPD modules, access is from the eLearning page and completion will provide a certificate (automatically for members who log in and undertake the course from the member portal. Non-members can email for a certificate to be generated).

Five steps of digital data management – new online course
A new online course - Dig Digital: data management for archaeological archives - is now available for those wishing to increase skills and knowledge of digital data management in line with CIfA Standards, guidance and good practice for archives. DigVentures, who developed content for the Dig Digital Toolkit, were funded by Historic England to create an online course for practitioners wishing to develop skills and processes to support good practice data management.

Completing the course will help you develop and apply a working knowledge of tools available through the CIfA Dig Digital Toolkit, which can then be actioned within projects and across your organisation. The five-step course provides a structured learning approach, starting with developing an action plan for implementation. The steps that follow provide background and context, with each element designed to facilitate practical understanding of data management. Through quizzes, a bit of digital digging and a series of implementation challenges, course participants can put new ideas and tools into practice straight away.

Course materials will be available for practitioners from Tuesday 18 June, and you can register now for the introductory price of £75 (normal price £125) using our early bird discount code DigDigitalEarlyBird when checking out. This is a limited offer. The course can be completed at your own pace and is equivalent to 16 hours of CPD. A CPD certificate is available once all course quizzes have been completed.

Register for the course here:

For questions about the CPD module please contact