Planning Case Study 108
Carillion development site, Greengate, Salford
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest
Type of application & broad category
Local planning authority
Authority: Salford City Council
References: 15/66621/FULEIA, 17/70626/FUL condition 22, and EIA
Development proposal
Demolition of existing structures and erection of three-interconnected residential buildings at ground plus 12 storeys, 25 storeys and 33 storeys, with ancillary commercial units at ground floor level (use classes A1, A2, A3 and A4), residents’ amenity spaces and associated works, including access and landscaping at Embankment West, off Salford Approach, and New Kings Head Yard, Chapel Street, Salford’.
Erection of one 18 storey residential building (Block A, Use Class C3); one 16 storey residential building (Block B, Use Class C3); one 18 storey building providing a mix of residential and serviced apartment accommodation and amenity facilities including lounge, swimming pool and gym (Block C, Use Class Sui Generis); 536sqm of commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4); new access from Greengate; car and cycle parking; public realm and landscaping; and other associated works, Embankment West, off Salford Approach, and New Kings Head Yard, Chapel Street, Salford.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
The archaeological section in the Environmental Statement and a separate archaeological baseline study indicated the potential for medieval and post- medieval archaeology between the foundation piers of the 19th century railway viaduct.
Archaeological/planning processes
Planning permission was granted in November 2017 with a pre-commencement condition.
Evaluation was followed by targeted open area excavation in 2018 and a laser survey of brick railway arches.
However, the closure of the main developer Carillion in the autumn of 2018 resulted in a cessation of all works and the prospect of very large potential bad debts for the site contractors including the archaeological contractor. The archaeological site excavation and historic building survey had been completed as part of the demolition, pre-commencement condition, but the post excavation analysis and reporting were still outstanding.
A different planning application was subsequently put forward as part of the overall Greengate development to continue the development. This led to a separate consent for the development. The archaeological advisors to the LPA worked with the planning case officer to advise that construction could not re-commence until the archaeology condition for the demolition phase is fully met, which includes funding the excavation as well as the post-excavation.
As of May 2019, a comprise agreement has been reached which will limit the liabilities of the new developer and the archaeological contractor and should enable some provision for archaeological post-excavation.
Outcomes: archaeological
Resources for post-excavation and reporting were lost due to the demise of the developer Carillion. The presence of a pre-commencement condition proved to be helpful in securing provisional agreement to secure some post-excavation provision.
References and links/bibliography
- Pre-Construct Archaeology 2017, Embankment West, Greengate, Salford, An Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment. Unpublished report, PCA Report no: R12998.