Planning Case Study 110

Colchester Garrison, Colchester


Planning scenario(s)

1 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation identified significant new heritage assets - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation identified significant archaeology on the development site (i.e. the results created significant new knowledge), especially where none was previously known in the HER.
3 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation led to the designation (listing or scheduling) of heritage assets - Pre-determination results led to the designation of heritage asset(s) on the development site.
7 - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission and were necessary in order to enable the development to be permitted.

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest of national importance, now including a Scheduled Monument

Type of application & broad category

Major, residential

Local planning authority

Authority: Colchester Borough Council
References: O/COL/01/0009 - Re-development of Colchester Garrison

Development proposal

New ‘Urban Village’ comprising residential development (up to approx. 2600 dwellings), mixed uses including retail, leisure and employment, public open space, community facilities, landscaping, new highways, transport improvements and associated ancillary development.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

Roman remains including burials were known from the vicinity of the initial find of robbed Roman walls in 2002.

Archaeological/planning processes

Outline planning application submitted at the end of 2000 and approved in 2003.

A pre-determination trial-trench evaluation was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust (CAT) in 2002 which defined robbed Roman walls, but at the time, these were identified as the remains of a Roman building (i.e. not a circus).

The planning permission for the development included a pre- commencement archaeology condition allowing for a full programme of archaeological work.

The remains originally found in 2002 were identified as potentially those of part of a Roman Circus during investigations in 2004 (following stripping of an area identified for excavation). Various further sections of the Circus were then subsequently revealed and investigated in advance of other development. It formed the subject of a special Channel 4 Time Team programme in 2005.

The Roman Circus is located to the south of Colchester town centre, and c.400m outside the town wall, within the Victorian military garrison. It is orientated east-west, and is located between NGR TL 9938 2453 (west) and NGR TL 9977 2455 (east), c.450m long and c.75m wide. In 2007, the remains of the Circus were designated as a Scheduled Monument.

Several further areas, in which the projected line of the Circus is located, will come forward for development in the next few years, and these sections will (it is anticipated) be taken into public ownership/management, so that most of the monument will be protected. The LPA, with Historic England and the developer/s, will look at ways in which it can most effectively present/display the Circus site. The LPA is currently in the process of preparing a management plan.

Outcomes: archaeological

The entire area of the Circus is designated as a Scheduled Monument, No.1021426. At over 30ha, it is one of the largest Scheduled Monuments in England.

An article on the Colchester Circus was published in 2008. A monograph is currently in preparation.

Other outcomes/outputs e.g. other public benefit such as public engagement, research and new/changed work practices

The Colchester Archaeological Trust opened a Roman Circus Centre in 2011: The centre has free entry and a wide range of public information including artistic reconstructions and a scale model of the circus, guided tours, public walks and a free car park.

References and links/bibliography

  • Crummy, P. 2008, The Roman Circus at Colchester, Britannia XXXIX, 2008, 15-31.
  • Colchester Archaeological Trust 2002, An archaeological evaluation by trial- trenching on Areas A, B, D, GJ, H, J, N, V and YP at Colchester Garrison PFI site, Colchester, Essex. Unpublished report, CAT report no. 206.
  • Colchester Archaeological Trust 2011, Archaeological investigations on the 'Alienated Land', Colchester Garrison, Colchester, Essex, May 2004-October 2007. Unpublished report, CAT report no. 412.