Planning Case Study 120

Former Griff Works, Stannington, Sheffield


Planning scenario(s)

9 - Development commenced before required archaeological mitigation had been completed - The commencement of development (with or without a pre-commencement condition) before the completion of archaeological mitigation fieldwork caused problems e.g. Health and Safety; conservation of archaeology; additional resources required, including for agreeing and implementing complex method statements

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest

Type of application & broad category

Major, residential

Local planning authority

Authority: Sheffield City Council
References: 16/04749/FUL

Development proposal

Demolition and site clearance, erection of 62 dwellings, with access, parking, open space, landscaping and associated works.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

19th century disused brickworks known from historic maps and HER.

Archaeological/planning processes

A pre-commencement condition was attached to a planning permission, requiring formal submission of a WSI before works could commence.

The process of submission and implementation of the WSI was unsatisfactory. A problematic issue was that site remediation works commenced before archaeological evaluation had been undertaken.

Some evaluation was eventually undertaken in parts of the site, but with remediation - and in some parts, construction - underway around.

Mitigation by excavation was possible for those parts of the site not affected by the early commencement of remediation and construction works. This revealed that the remains of the brickworks were well-preserved including the flues for the kilns.

Outcomes: archaeological

Commencement of the development, including construction, before the evaluation was completed resulted in the inability to complete the evaluation and the damage/destruction of a significant part of the surviving archaeological resource.

Excavation of the area not affected by premature commencement of the development was successfully undertaken and the post- excavation assessment report was completed in 2018.

References and links/bibliography

  • URS Heritage Assessment Report 2014, Former Griffs Works, Stopes Road Stannington, Sheffield. Unpublished report.
  • Archaeological Services WYAS 2018, Griff Works, Stannington South Yorkshire. Archaeological Works. Unpublished report.