Planning Case Study 121
Beetham Tower, Manchester
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest
Type of application & broad category
Local planning authority
Authority: Manchester City Council
References: 068662/FO/2003//C3
Development proposal
Demolition of existing section of viaduct and redevelopment to create a hotel (Class C1) incorporating associated retailing, restaurants, bars and cafes (A1. A2, A3), conferencing, other associated facilities including a health and fitness centre (Class D2) with 219 residential units (Class C3) above and a sky bar (Class A3), with related access, servicing, basement car parking, landscaping and associated works. The construction of an office building (Class B1) with related access, servicing, car parking, landscaping and associated works and incorporating a public lift and stair linking to the G- Mex podium, Land Bound by Deansgate/ Great Bridgewater Street/ Trafford Street and the G Mex viaduct.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
Immediately adjacent to the Roman vicus for Mamucium Roman Fort.
Archaeological/planning processes
An archaeological pre-commencement condition was attached to the planning consent for this 47 storey tower which included the Hilton Hotel on Deansgate, Manchester.
Extensive remains of the Roman vicus of Mamucium Roman fort were revealed, with ditches, pits, and buildings recorded. These were the first excavations on the east side of Deansgate and have extended the known area of the vicus. The post excavation assessment was completed in April 2005 and the contractor made recommendations for publication.
However, without consulting its archaeological advisors, Manchester LPA discharged the archaeology condition (in 2005) before the resources for publication could be secured. It has not proved possible since then to obtain the necessary resources to publish the results of this important investigation.
Outcomes: archaeological
An important excavation was undertaken in 2004 and post-excavation with publication was secured by condition, but the condition was discharged in 2005 before resources for publication could be secured. The excavations have since remained unpublished.
References and links/bibliography
- Pre-Construct Archaeology 2005, The Beetham Tower, Deansgate Manchester: Post-Excavation Assessment. Unpublished report.