Planning Case Study 123
Everton Academy Training Ground, Finch Farm, 3 Finch Lane, Halewood, Knowsley L26 3UE
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets of archaeological, historic and architectural interest.
Type of application & broad category
Local planning authority
Authority: Knowsley Council
References: 02/00823/FUL
Development proposal
Erection of academy/training building, groundsman’s store and security lodge, construction of 10 full-sized and 2 half-sized practice areas and 1 outdoor artificial surface and car parking areas.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
An HER search and desk-based assessment in 2004 indicated moderate potential from historic farms and landscape including standing buildings.
Archaeological/planning processes
A desk-based assessment was produced in 2004 and the planning application approved with a pre-commencement condition (no. 19) in May 2004.
Historic building recording and field evaluation – principally of the historic farm sites - took place in June and July 2005. This revealed 17th-19th century archaeology and surviving historic building fabric.
A limited programme of excavation followed from July-Nov 2005, mainly concentrated around the historic Finch Farm complex.
A post-excavation assessment report (PXA) was produced in August 2006. This was subsequently lodged with the LPA.
Outcomes: archaeological
The project has not progressed to publication between 2006 and 2016 despite containing clear research/public benefit potential. The PXA summary says:
"The assessment of the results of the fieldwork has shown that the excavated data have good potential for further analysis, firstly in terms of accurately dating and phasing the historic development of the identified settlement foci and, secondly, in providing a basis for the comparison of the two settlements onsite and between these and contemporary farmsteads within the wider region."
The report contains a task list and costs as appendices.
Since its formation in 2016, The Merseyside Environmental Advice Service has taken up the issue of publication with the LPA and the developer. Discussions are ongoing.
References and links/bibliography
- RPS Planning and Environment 2004, Proposed Everton Academy and Training Centre, Halewood: Desk-Based Assessment. Unpublished report.
- Oxford Archaeology North 2006, Everton Academy Training Ground, Finch farm, Finch Lane, Halewood, Merseyside: Archaeological Post-excavation Assessment. Unpublished Report, Oxford Archaeology North Job no. L9672.