Planning Case Study 125
17A South Street, Ditchling, East Sussex
Planning scenario(s)
Heritage assets affected
Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest
Type of application & broad category
Local planning authority
Authority: Lewes District Council
References: LW/11/0187
Development proposal
Partial demolition, refurbishment and erection of a two storey extension to an existing dwelling at 17A South Street and erection of a single storey dwelling.
Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate
Within a medieval village and an Archaeological Notification Area.
Archaeological/planning processes
Pre-determination evaluation revealed significant archaeology dating to the medieval period. A pre-commencement condition was included on the planning permission. However, a second condition which was also recommended by the archaeological advisors to the LPA in order to ensure that post-excavation and publication would be secured before occupation of the development, was omitted from the planning permission by LPA.
The pre-commencement condition was inadvertently fully discharged by the LPA planning officer at WSI submission stage. The developer initially was reluctant to commission the post-excavation work, but the archaeological contractor and developer eventually agreed that the post excavation would be progressed, with the key “hook” being that the work of the professional archaeologist was still required as their WSI had been approved.
Outcomes: archaeological
However, as of February 2019, the developer has still not funded the post-excavation and enforcement action is being considered by the LPA.
References and links/bibliography
- Archaeology South-East 2011, Archaeological Evaluation at Jointure Estate, 11 South Street, Ditchling, East Sussex, BN6 8UQ. Unpublished report, Archaeology South-East report no. 4700.