Planning Case Study 135

Land at Forest Street, Chester


Planning scenario(s)

7 - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission - Pre-commencement archaeological conditions were attached to a planning permission and were necessary in order to enable the development to be permitted.
11 - Enforcement (formal or informal) of an archaeological planning condition enabled the specified works to be completed - The presence of a 'live' and undischarged planning condition after completion of a development was considered to be important and beneficial in helping to secure adequate resources for post-excavation.

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest within an Area of Archaeological Importance (AAI)

Type of application & broad category

Major, regeneration, commercial and residential

Local planning authority

Authority: Cheshire West and Chester Council
References: 00/1140/FUL, 07/00812/FUL, 18/00022/S73

Development proposal

Demolition of vacant office building and construction of new hotel and apartments

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

This site lies within Chester’s Area of Archaeological Importance and occupies a plot to the east of the Roman fortress and later walled city, some way to the south of the road leading from the east gate. This is an area occupied by deep accumulations of material, some of which are waterlogged, with evidence for Roman activity and medieval tanning.

Archaeological/planning processes

Evaluation in 2000 revealed evidence for multi-period activity and the submission of a planning application in 2008 resulted in a condition requiring a detailed foundation design to preserve the bulk of the deposits in situ. Limited further excavation, to accommodate a lift shaft and pile caps, formed part of the programme of mitigation and this work was carried out in 2008.

Unfortunately, the company carrying out the work failed and became bankrupt. Although the fieldwork had been carried out, the development did not proceed and the post-excavation work was not completed.

In 2018 the scheme was resurrected and, because the archaeological condition had not been discharged, it has proved possible to require the production of a report on the work carried out in 2008.

Negotiations are still underway, with particular reference to the timetable, but the fact that the condition remained undischarged has been crucial in securing the progress made to date.

Outcomes: archaeological

The development has yet to start and there will be monitoring of the implementation of the foundation design during development when this happens. Report production will follow in order to allow final discharge of the condition.

References and links/bibliography

  • Earthworks Archaeology Team 2000, Proposed Residential Development on land north of Forest Street, Chester: An Archaeological Evaluation. Unpublished report no. E467.