Planning Case Study 147

32 Baldwin Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex


Planning scenario(s)

13 - Recent changes in the planning system have prevented appropriate assessment/evaluation or the use of archaeological planning conditions - Recent changes in the planning system (e.g. extension of Permitted  Development rights, use of Permission in Principle) prevented or compromised the use of pre-determination evaluation or the attachment of archaeological conditions to a permission.

Heritage assets affected

Non-designated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest

Type of application & broad category


Local planning authority

Authority: Eastbourne Council
References: Initial planning reference: 140648 (2013).

Development proposal

Proposed two storey extension at rear and first floor extension over porch. Erection of garage and formation of new crossover and driveway (existing entrance to be blocked off). Rear extension.

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

Roman remains were known from the HER.

Archaeological/planning processes

The applicant reduced the size of the proposed rear extension to within permitted development parameters on a site where Roman remains were known to be present in order to avoid an archaeological condition or other requirement in connection with a planning application.

Outcomes: archaeological

No information is available about the impact of the development since it became permitted development.