Planning Case Study 167

East Deanery, South Church, Bishop Auckland, County Durham


Planning scenario(s)

2 - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation led to the refusal of planning permission - Pre-determination assessment/evaluation results led to refusal of planning permission on archaeological grounds.

Heritage assets affected

Undesignated heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest

Type of application & broad category

Minor, residential

Local planning authority

Authority: Durham County Council
References: 3/2009/0478

Development proposal

Three new dwellings

Archaeological information known about the site before the planning application was made, or before the development commenced, as appropriate

A college of priests documented from 13th century, and the East Deanery, a Grade I listed building, lay immediately to the north of the application site. A watching brief during development to the east had recorded a medieval wall.

The area was also identified as an Area of Archaeological Interest in the Local Plan; Policy BE 17 stated that an archaeological assessment/evaluation would be needed in advance of proposed development.

Archaeological/planning processes

The required evaluation was not carried out by the developer. The application was refused because of the lack of information on the archaeological significance of the site, and the refusal reason cites the absence of an archaeological evaluation, contrary to the Local Plan Policy.

Outcomes: archaeological

The planning application refused on archaeological grounds.