Community Archaeology Toolkit

Scheduled maintenance work

The CIfA website will be intermittently unavailable between Friday 28 February - Monday 3rd March due to scheduled maintenance work.

Please note that the Members' Dashboard and other membership facilities (including new membership applications) will be unavailable during this period.

2022 - ongoing
Funding body: 
Historic England

The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) has received funding from Historic England for a project to develop guidance presented as a CIfA Toolkit to support the promotion and delivery of community archaeology. The project aims to support community engagement to become embedded into sector practice across the UK, and to provide a framework to promote good and innovative implementation. The main driver is to support the delivery of public benefit through archaeology undertaken within the context of the planning system. However, the proposed suite of guidance will also provide important resources for community engagement undertaken through other initiatives, including landscape partnerships and monument monitoring schemes for example. The main target audience for this guidance are those who commission community archaeology projects and/or engagement activities.