Evaluating impact of solar farm developments on the historic environment: developing a consensus on good practice and delivering pragmatic solutions

Scheduled maintenance work

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2024 - 2025
Funding body: 
Historic England
Funding amount: 

Following on from the review of current practice and guidance for the evaluation of impact of solar farm developments on the historic environment undertaken by Abrams Archaeology Ltd in 2024, we have received further funding from Historic England to facilitate a wider conversation between the solar and archaeology sectors to enable a better shared understanding of the

  1. nature of the impact of solar development on different types of archaeological remains
  2. rationale for different strategies and techniques to assess and evaluate that impact
  3. potential for heritage benefits to be realised through design, based on effective assessment and evaluation

The aim is for the conversation to take the form of a joint workshop leading to the development of shared principles and, if thought appropriate at this stage, further guidance that will be agreed and jointly badged by CIfA, Historic England, ALGAO, FAME, the Local Government Association (LGA) and Solar Energy UK (SEUK). The project is being guided by a steering group consisting of representatives of those organisations and we will be seeking input tp the workshop from CIfA members with relevant expertise and consulting on drafted principles and guidance. The aim is to hold the workshop in the second half of March 2025 with completion of the project due in August. We will keep members updated through the weekly newsletter as well as specific project communications.