Write Here! Write Now!

Scheduled maintenance work

The CIfA website will be intermittently unavailable between Friday 28 February - Monday 3rd March due to scheduled maintenance work.

Please note that the Members' Dashboard and other membership facilities (including new membership applications) will be unavailable during this period.


At the CIfA 2018 conference in Brighton a session entitled ‘Write here Write now (Drafting a CIfA report standard)’ took place. This was co-organised by Edmund Lee (HE) and Steward Bryant (Independent consultant). The session was focused on formulating new guidance for report templates, specifically for Evaluation and Watching Brief reports, that would either replace parts of the current guidance sections of the relevant CIfA Standard and guidance or be presented as an additional resource to support the implementation of the guidance. Recent regional and national research projects including the Upper Thames Valley mapping project, Fields of Britannia, EngLaID and the Roman Rural Settlement Project have identified issues with the quality of grey literature reporting which the proposed report template hopes to address. The project to develop the template originated in England and therefore references English planning policy and guidance but the template is designed to be applicable throughout the UK and potentially beyond.

An initial consultation with ALGAO, FAME and the CIfA Advisory Council was undertaken in 2019 and a wider consultation was launched in August 2020.  Members have been asked to review the documents and answer a series of questions (see below). For those who do not work in England, comments have been requested regarding the changes that would be needed to make the template relevant to practice beyond England.


The three documents included in thie consultation are:

Background information

Proposed report template

Consultation questions

Comments/feedback shoud be emailed directly to Jen jen.parkerwooding@archaeologists.net by Friday 18 September 2020.