Renewals Profile

Personal details
CIfA take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your subscription and to provide the services you have requested from us. We will not pass your details onto any third parties.
Member details

Your member grade, member number, date elected, date current grade and subscription category are intentionally read only and cannot be edited

Need to apply for a concessionary rate? If you are an accredited member (PCIfA, ACIfA and MCIfA) you can apply for a concessionary rate on your subscription fees if your income is less than the salary ranges indicated on the subscription renewal. Please select 'Yes' from the concessionary drop down box below and complete the concessionary rate section. Alternatively, you can download a copy of our concessionary form from the concessionary rates page of our website.

If you are currently on a concessionary rate that is no longer required, please let us know so that we can change your subscription category back to the correct rate for your grade.

Concessionary Rate
Your concessionary rate will need approving and your subscription category will need changing before you can make the payment for the correct amount.

If your subscription is paid by your employer via invoice please select 'paid by employer' and enter your employers name.

Click here to download the direct debit form

If you already pay by direct debit you do not need to submit a new form and your existing direct debit details will remain in place.

NB if you subscribe to the HE Journal and pay by instalment direct debit, payment will be taken with your first instalment.

Please quote your membership number in the payment reference

UK payments
Barclays Bank; sort code 20-71-03; account number 43944948

If your employers name is not listed, please leave this blank and enter your employers name in the Street Address field under Work Address details below.

Home Address
Work Address
Other Address
Directory of accredited professionals
Accredited members (PCIfA, ACIfA and MCIfA) are listed in the online CIfA Directory, which is shared with CIfA members and Registered Organisations, industry partners and those working in related industries. The information we hold will determine how your directory entry is listed and you can change your preference or opt out below. This includes your name, member category, date elected, job title and email address.

Please make sure all mandatory fields marked with a * are completed before clicking submit. You will be transferred to a confirmation message once your submission is successful. If you have clicked the submit button and remain on this page, it means there is a mandatory field that has not been completed.