IfA policy statement updates

IfA has recently updated our Policy statements to include the use of training posts on archaeological projects. Other statements have also been amended in line with new Standards and guidance and amendments to the Code of conduct.

We recommend all IfA members and Registered Organisations have a look through the updated document and make it available to colleagues.

The document, which can be found here, includes the following Policy Statements

  • Equal opportunities in archaeology
  • Health and safety
  • The use of volunteers and students on archaeological projects
  • Environmental protection
  • Self-employment and the use of self-employed sub-contractors
  • The use of training posts on archaeological projects

The document can also be found on our codes and standards webpage.

Any feedback on the policy statements should be send in to the IfA office via our email address (admin [at] archaeologists.net), or you can call us on 0118 378 6446.