News archive
Historic England has teamed up with the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Prince’s Regeneration Trust to sponsor a major national Conference...
Dates: 20-22 April 2016 Venue: University of Leicester
The World Bank is continuing to formulate a revised Environmental and Social Framework for projects which it funds.
This is a Historic England Call for Proposals, for more information Click here
At its meeting on 22 October, CIfA’s governing Board of Directors considered whether to increase the recommended minimum salaries levels from...
This is an invitation for you to take part in an online survey that explores UK archaeologist's attitudes to the public and public engagement.
This Archaeological Market Survey report is on the State of the Market for Archaeological Services in 2014-15 and has been prepared by Landward...
Planning and heritage reform continues apace in Wales. Design and Access Statements and Heritage Impact Assessments are included in Welsh...
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We are pleased to alert you to a follow up event to our 2014 Annual Lecture from Sir Harry Burns, details below and in the link.