Conference timetable

The timetable for the 2013 conference in Birmingham is now available.

The conference takes place from Wednesday 17 April through to Friday 19 April.

More information about each session is available on the sessions page.

Wednesday 17 April sessions Type
Opening address
Securing the impact of development-led archaeological work Discussion
The impact of Forensic Archaeology on the Criminal Justice System Discussion
Business start-ups and registration Workshop
Forensic Archaeology Group AGM AGM

Thursday 18 April sessions Type
The Akond of Swat and the archaeological record Discussion
Archaeological impact on communities Discussion
Urban Design and the Historic Environment Discussion
Preserving the past: digital data and the archaeological record Workshop
Portfolio assessments for graphics archaeologists Workshop
Social media surgery Workshop
Graphics Archaeology Group AGM AGM
Impact requires Imagery Discussion
Demonstrating impact for archaeologists Seminar
An introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Workshop
The Jewellery Quarter Excursion
Weoley Castle Excursion
Heritage and regeneration in the city centre Excursion
Diggers Forum AGM AGM

Friday 19 April sessions Type
The Impact of the ‘Big Society’ Discussion
Archaeology and the loss of confidence Seminar
Time to tie up the tape measure? Seminar
Delivering impact through better project management Workshop
Bill of quantities and contracts Workshop
Buildings Archaeology Group AGM AGM
New Generation Group forming AGM AGM