Michaela began studying archaeology in Munich and Kiel in 2010 and finished her Master’s Degree with focus on the transition of the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in 2015. She has experience of working in Germany (with a Bavarian archaeological commercial company in Munich since 2009), Romania and Azerbaijan. She is also working towards her PhD ‘Das westeuropäisch-kontinentale Frühneolithikum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der La-Hoguette-Gruppe’ (The western European continental early Neolithic with special consideration of the La Hoguette group) and is supervised by Prof Dr Carola Metzner-Nebelsick at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). In her PhD she will focus on pXRFanalyses. Michaela continues working with a Bavarian commercial company and will give lectures about pXRFA at LMU.
Michaela has recently been appointed as CIfA’s German Coordinator to assist with recruitment in Germany and to support the establishment of a new area group, ‘CIfA Deutschland’. Before this opportunity arose she had been interested in a professional association as a way to improve the archaeology sector in Germany for a number of years, and has therefore developed a considerable amount of background knowledge.