Personal details, referee contact details – please complete the online form with these details and upload any supporting documentation. If you would prefer an alternative way to apply, please get in touch.
Statement of competence – outline your roles and how your current role demonstrates the criteria in the four areas of the competence matrix and where relevant, your qualifications, and a list of publications (from the last two years).
Examples of work – these should preferably be from within the last two years, to support the application (minimum three examples for ACIfA and five for MCIfA). PCIfA applicants are not required to provide any examples, but are encouraged to do so.
You can upload these examples to the online application form (up to 5x 6MB) or send them to membership [at] using a file-sharing system. Please do not send hard copies.
Personal Development Plan (PDP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) log – if you are upgrading from an accredited grade you need to provide a PDP and CPD log from the last two years. These can be in CIfA templates or your own documents, or tick the box if you have submitted them online through the CIfA website. If you are a non-accredited member or have had a career break for any reason, please submit what you can.