Subscription FAQs

This FAQ resource answers many of the common questions we are asked about the annual subscription renewals, payments and changes in circumstances. However, if you have a specific question please contact us at and we will be happy to help!


Renewal Notice email and online form

I cannot read my Renewal Notice email or the links are not working

Instead of renewing using the email links, you can renew online on our subscription renewal page. You need to login to the website using your username (First name, Last name).

If you have forgotten your login details and need to reset them, you can do so by following the CIfA website password instructions on the subscription renewal page. If you do not receive an email to reset your password, you will need to change your email address associated with your log in details. Please email and we can change this for you.

I haven't received my Renewal Notice, what do I need to do? What happens if I don't renew?

Please email and we will check this for you.

If you haven't renewed your subscription by 1 April you will no longer receive all the member benefits, such as ebulletins, TA magazine, discounts at events, appear in the online Directory of accredited members or use your post nominal (where applicable).

I have submitted my online renewal form, but cannot see the option to pay

If you have chosen to pay by card you can go to subscription renewal and click on the 'Pay subscription fees' button.

See below for further details about payment methods.

My subscription has expired and I cannot renew

You will need to re-join. Further information can be found under the 'Rejoining CIfA applications' heading on our Apply Online page.

Subscription payment method

How do I pay by debit or credit card?

Please select that payment method on the subscription renewal profile and go to subscription renewal online and click on the 'Pay subscription fees' button.

My company pays for my CIfA subscription, what do I need to do?

Complete the subscription renewal profile, select the 'Paid by Employer' option for the payment method and select your employers name from the drop-down menu. We will then raise an invoice for payment.

Please check if your employer already has a direct debit set up with us.

We will only contact you about your subscription, not your employer, and it is your responsibility as a member to ensure payment is received.

How do I change my payment method?

Complete the online subscription renewal profile and select the new payment method e.g. from cheque to card payment or direct debit

A copy of the direct debit form can be downloaded during the renewal profile and you can opt for instalments or one annual payment. You can also download it from our website at subscription and renewal. Please post or scan this to us via email with original signature as we will need to send it to the bank.

Can I claim tax back from my subscription?

You might be eligible to claim tax back from your subscription fees. Please see the 'Claiming tax back on fees' information our Subscription and renewal page.

Direct debit payments

I pay by direct debit - is my subscription renewed automatically or do I need to set one up every year?

Your subscription category is determined from your membership grade, e.g. Associate (ACIfA) members will pay the Associate (ACIfA) subscription category (unless you are paying a concessionary rate).

If there are no changes to your choice of payment method, your direct debit instruction will remain in place from the previous year's subscription.

This also applies to the subscription of the Historic Environment Journal and your preference will be continued.

How do I change my direct debit to a different account

You need to send us a new direct debit instruction. The direct debit form can be downloaded at Subscription and renewal, or we can send you a hard copy on request. Please post or scan this to us via email with original signature as we will need to send it to the bank.

When are the instalment direct debit payments collected?

Instalment direct debit payments are collected in 10 instalments from June to March the following year.

I sent a new direct debit in May, but a collection was not taken on 1 June

The bank requires two weeks to process a new direct debit so if your direct debit instruction is received after the 15th of the month there won't be enough time for the bank to process it for the next collection. For example, if a direct debit is received in late May, the first instalment or annual request from your account will be on the first working day in July.

Why have I been charged two instalments in one month?

Instalment direct debits are collected in 10 instalments from June to March. If a direct debit instruction is received too late to be processed for collection (see above) then you will need to pay the instalment owed and the instalment due on the first working day of the next available month.

For example, if your new direct debit instruction isn't received until 20 May the instalments for June and July will both be collected in July.

On receipt of your direct debit instruction you will be sent a payment schedule for the year.

Concessionary rates

Who can apply for a concessionary rate?

Accredited members - Practitioner (PCIfA), Associate (ACIfA) and Member (MCIfA) can apply for a concessionary rate on their subscription if they are eligible. See the concessionary rates information on our Subscription and renewal page and download the form to apply.

I applied for a concessionary rate last year. Does the rate automatically continue?

You will receive a renewal notice email using the current subscription rate. If you need to continue on the same concessionary rate or move to another rate you will need to re-apply and submit up to date supporting documentation each year.

If you no longer require a concessionary rate, you will need to let us know so that we can change your subscription category rate for your grade. See the concessionary rates information on our Subscription and renewal page for more information.

Please note the concessionary rate is only available to accredited members (PCIfA, ACIfA and MCIfA).

Subscription changes and cancellation

How do I add/remove the Historic Environment Journal to/from my subscription?

You can opt in to receive the Journal through the online renewal process, or contact

If you pay by direct debit we will add the annual cost of the journal to the first direct debit instalment we collect.

Alternatively, if you wish to unsubscribe, please untick the box on your online subscription renewal.

Do I need to inform CIfA if my salary increases during the year?

You do not need to inform us, as the subscription category is based on your income from the previous year.

Please note if you earn more than the salary band for your accredited grade you will still only pay the subscription for your grade. However, in these circumstances we do encourage our members to upgrade where possible. Find out more about upgrading on our Join CIfA page.

I am no longer a Student, do I need to change my subscription and grade?

Student members can remain at Student grade and pay the Student subscription fee for up to one year after graduation. You will then automatically be changed to an Affiliate member, unless you are eligible to upgrade to an accredited grade. Find out more about upgrading on our Join CIfA page.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time, please email explaining that you want to cancel your subscription and we would be interested if you can let us know why you wish to do so.

If you have concerns about any particular issues or are not sure if you want to cancel, please email