A working group of CIfA's Advisory Council was set up to look at resources and opportunities for workplace wellbeing. The working group surveyed our Registered Organisations and talked to colleagues to find out what practices were currently in place - see the results below.
As a result we have formulated this list of useful links for companies and staff to support workplace wellbeing.
This list is not exhaustive so if you are aware of other links we might use or have good practice case studies from your organisation you would be happy to share, please get in touch at admin@archaeologists.net.
Mental health
For more information please see our mental health and archaeology webpage which is included in our equality, diversity and inclusion online resource.
Wellbeing guidance documents
Seeing Red - a period and menstrual hygiene equality guide. An initiative by the Mentoring Women in Archaeology & Heritage group.
Also see FAME webinar menstrual health and hygiene in the heritage workplace on Youtube.
Cold Weather Working - Diggers' Forum guide for fieldworkers
Warm Weather Working - Diggers' Forum guide for fieldworkers
Useful links
- Health and Safety Executive - stress at work
- Health and Safety Executive - Welfare at Work guidance for employers (PDF)
- Prospect - mental health advice
- Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development - wellbeing resources
- Historic England - social and economic research into wellbeing
- FREE Support now available to help archaeologists facing redundancy: